The fish you may catch
Our area has an impressive variety of both resident and migratory species that provide year-round excitement for our fly-fishing clients. The main targets are redfish, speckled trout, pompano, false albacore, Spanish mackerel, bluefish, ladyfish, jack crevalle, black drum, and tarpon. Plus, there are some "bonus species" in the mix. You might enjoy scrolling through these photos and videos to see what you're getting yourself into. I've included time of year and tackle recommendations for each species.
This section ends with details on the Emerald Coast Grand Slam. It's a special achievement that has happened just 4 times in 20 years. Check out the stories of those who've done it.
Speckled trout Year round 7 - 9 wt
Redfish, inside flats Year round 7-9 wt
Redfish, Gulf shoreline Year round 8 - 10 wt
Pompano March - December 7-9 wt
Spanish Mackerel May - October 6-8 wt
Ladyfish May - October 6 - 8 wt
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False albacore Summer, Fall, Winter 7-10 wt
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Jack Crevalle March - October 10-12 wt
Running of the Bulls Oct - Dec 9 - 12 wt
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Black drum Fall and Winter 8 - 10 wt
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